Jan 21

Congrats to Rachel for receiving a grant from MEEMIC. 

This a great and easy endeavor to pursue- you just need an idea

Coming soon to Arno…

Jan 21

MLK Observance- No school for students

Teacher PD

Jan 22

2nd grade BAS

Metro Parks Cervantes

Jan 23

MTSS meeting 7:45

1st grade BAS

Jan 24


Arno Olympics 6:00

Jan 25

No events

Mickey Mouse Vintage GIF

Jan 28

ICC 4:00

Jan 29

SIP full day

Jan 30

No events

Jan 31

Staff Meeting 7:45

PTA 6:30

Feb 1

PBIS reward


sledding getting there GIF by Leannimator

Arno Vision

Arno Elementary will provide a system of support to empower

and inspire students to become collaborative learners

that strive for academic excellence-


Staff Survey

It is that time again, our annual staff survey will be active from Jan. 18-Feb 7 for staff, students, and parents.  We primarily use our survey results to inform the school improvement plan and take a careful look at things we may need to change.

We will once again only survey grades 3-5, and I would like that to just be completed during their tech time.   Please see your staff link below, I would love to see lots of staff completing it, it should not take you long.


NWEA Rewards

Update for all staff- Last week I went around all rooms in grades 3-5 with a short motivational ppt to rev up the kids just before they took their reading NWEA.  This month we will be having a rewards assembly that will recognize any student who either achieved their personal RIT growth, or made the grade level cut score for winter.  They will receive a charm for their MSTEP necklace, and an additional recess.  Top 10 from each grade can also receive a movie.  So far the students have been very excited with many saying that they made the reward.  The rationale is too stress the importance of them doing their best- and that it’s not just another test they can’t make a connection to. We will review the data and see how this round goes before the next rewards in the late spring. The assembly will be on Jan 31 at 2:00.


Image result for literacy coaching ideas


A reminder that Barb is available and standing by with many ideas that she can coach, team teach, and model in your classroom.



10 Ways to Collaborate With Your Literacy Coach

October 19, 2015         Updated October 18, 2015

If you have collaborated with a literacy coach before, you understand how instrumental the coaching process can be when looking for approaches to maximize student achievement. If coaching is new for you, however, you may not know where to begin. There are numerous ways to connect with your literacy coach – the possibilities are truly endless – but here are ten ideas to get you on the path to collaboration with your coach!

1.  Ask Questions

If you have questions about students, resources, lessons, or other literacy-related topics, your coach is a go-to resource. Often these questions are the seeds that lead to collaboration! Literacy coaches are there to support you and to work with you to boost student achievement, not to evaluate or judge you based on what you may or may not know. Coaches love to talk to teachers – do not be afraid to ask questions!

2.  Plan Together

Planning with your literacy coach could include planning lessons, planning student groupings, or planning for future coaching. Regardless of what you plan, you get the benefit of another set of eyes and expertise. Perhaps the biggest benefit of planning with your coach is the opportunity to bounce ideas off each other and discuss options from multiple angles. Thinking through planning this way can lead to more effective brainstorming and an increased ability to evaluate the potential success or pitfalls of options.

3.  Teach Together

Co-teaching allows you and your literacy coach to learn from each other. It enables you each to utilize your strengths and grow in your areas of weakness with a partner to support you. The give and take of co-teaching can be a perfect format for trying new things and approaching difficult tasks.

4.  Watch as Your Coach Teaches

Observing your literacy coach in action as a teacher can be useful if you want to learn new teaching methods, if you want to get a feel for the flow of a lesson, or if you want to be able to observe student responses to instruction more objectively. This is especially useful if you plan the lesson together and take notes as the coach teaches. Then you can evaluate and discuss the lesson and the response of the students later.

5.  Let Your Coach Watch as You Teach

This is intimidating for many teachers, but the benefits of allowing your literacy coach to watch you teach are worth the discomfort. You can select a focus with your coach ahead of time, and then your coach can takes objective notes to be used in later conversations as you look for strengths, determine how students are responding to different instructional methods, and look for opportunities to up your game to the next level. The agenda for this type of coaching is yours – the coach is not looking for what is right or wrong, but for evidence of learning related to what you want to focus on.

6.  Have Regular Conversations

These conversations can be related specifically to coaching (setting coaching goals, discussing coaching sessions, planning for next steps), but they can also encompass a variety of other topics. Talking on a regular basis helps keep your literacy coach in the loop and gives them a window into the needs of your students.  It also helps build a relationship with your coach, which is critical to coaching success!

7.  Analyze Data Together

The assessment is completed…now what? Work with your literacy coach to interpret results! Are there groups of students who have gaps in similar areas? You can work together to plan small group support for those students. Are there trends that show success across the board with certain skills? Celebrate what is working!

8.  Participate in Professional Development Opportunities

Attend professional development presented by your coach – you can often find ways to collaborate further about the content of the session and to personalize the learning within the setting of your own classroom. Your coach can work with you in a variety of ways as you apply your new learning!

9.  Join a Study Group

If your literacy coach facilitates a study group, join in! This is a great way to connect with your coach and with other teachers, often from a variety of grade levels. You can learn more about professional resources, work with vertical teams, and develop a group of friends along the way.

10.  Celebrate and Reflect on Successes AND Obstacles!

There is nothing literacy coaches love more than to celebrate successes with you! If you have had successes, share them! Reflecting on your successes can increase the likelihood of experiencing them again because you think about the process you went through and identifying what were the key factors in the success. If you are running into obstacles, reflecting with a coach can help to identify your key barriers and develop a plan of action to overcome them.

Coaching can be a valuable tool in your educator toolbox.  Be on the lookout for ways to collaborate with your coach to help you grow as an educator and to help your students increase their levels of achievement!

Yoga starts soon…



From the PTA

Way to go Arno Cougars we had the most students enter the Reflections contest in the AP District. Stay tuned to see if any of the Arno students will move on to the state wide Reflections.

We are looking for support for the APHS Food Pantry again this year. A box will be placed in our main office to collect items from Monday January 14th through Friday January 25th. Suggested items are cereal, cereal breakfast bars, pop tarts, and any canned food items such as vegetables, fruits, and tuna. Pasta and pasta sauce, macaroni and cheese, ramen noodles, various types of snacks, and any quick fix meal or food item. We are also looking for personal hygiene items to be donated as well as socks. A PTA member will be transporting our boxes to the HS Pantry. Thank you again for your continuous support for our Allen Park Families.

 Your Arno PTA presents Mother Son Bowling night on January 18, 2019 from 7-9:30 pm at Skore Lanes in Taylor.   Please sign your son up for the Lane they would like to bowl on.  Up to 5 boys can be signed up per lane.  Please only enter your son’s name in the Comment section.   

🎳🎳The price is $30 for a mother and one son.  Each additional son is $5.  The mothers will be bowling with your sons during each frame like last year.  This price includes 2 games of bowling, shoe rental, 2 slices of pizza, pop, and picture with your son(s) and some really awesome memories!

Mother Son Night Flyer 2019 (1)-26fb9iz

REMINDER! Our PTA meeting for January will take place on the 31st at 6:30 p.m.! We cannot wait to see all your smiling faces!

Board of Education Announcement – Congrats!

 Congratulations to Mr. Michael J. Klein, Mr. Robert Loyd, Mrs. Jeannette MacDonald and Mrs. Julie Sheppard (incumbent), officially becoming members of the Allen Park Board of Education after taking the Oath of Office last evening.


Also on January 14, 2019 the Allen Park Board of Education conducted its annual organizational meeting, selecting the following as 2019 Board Officers:

Mr. Gordon Miller – President

Mr. Michael J. Klein – Vice President of Operations

Mr. Robert Loyd – Vice President of Human Resources

Mrs. Jeannette MacDonald – Vice President of Teaching & Learning

Mr. Rick Moynihan – Vice President of Extra Curricular Issues

Mrs. Julie Sheppard – Secretary

Dr. Jennifer Warren – Treasurer

The insight, concern for the well-being of all students, and professional experiences of these civic-minded individuals will contribute significantly to the Allen Park Public Schools.  We are grateful for their commitment to serve the school community and wish everyone the best of luck as we strive to make this year the very best for children throughout the District.

Barbara Zdrodowski

Administrative Assistant to

Michael H. Darga, Superintendent



Image result for mlk

MLK resources

Some video resources for MLK:




Teacher Approved Dr. Martin Luther King Videos - these videos are perfect for showing your kindergarten and first grade students.

Some topics are difficult to talk about in kindergarten and first grade.  We want to teach kids about history, but we don’t want to share some of the horrific details because it is just not developmentally appropriate.  And so here is a teacher approved list of Martin Luther King Videos.  These videos teach the ideas and history without the focusing on the negative (they can learn about that when they are in higher grades).


This is such a great video and it really should be seen by all kids.  It talks about Dr. King’s life and how wanted more people will show love.  “When more people were hurting, he came in to help”.  It talks about what happens in a developmentally appropriate way for our little learners.  This is honestly one of my favorite Kid President videos – very well done!  It has a great message “isn’t it cool that we can change things, like any of us.”  Very powerful video.


A great video full of details about what Dr. King stood for.  This is also very well done.

This video would go PERFECTLY with our Nonfiction Martin Luther King Books because it too is filled with facts and photos.  Students will love reading this book along with you (it comes with a teacher book and matching student version) and they will love using some of those same pictures in the writing activities.  Click here to see more.

Martin Luther King book with nonfiction pictures. Comes in full and half size versions and has lots of supplemental writing activities. Perfect content for kindergarten and first grade students.


This is an information packed video about Dr. King and his life.  It talks about thinks like his schooling, how he got his name, and many of the things did to make the world a better place.  This video is very tastefully done and


Another great video.  This video talks about his life and his work as a person of change.  One of the best parts of this video is the real footage of his I Have a Dream Speech.  They play just a small, yet powerful part of his speech.

And in kindergarten we love to tie things back into our writing.  This Martin Luther King Writing Craft is the perfect support to get some amazing stories.  And then instead of illustrating the story, the kids do this fun craft.  Click here to see more.

Martin Luther King Craft Story. Use the graphic organizers to plan a story and then complete the craft as the illustration. Perfect for kindergarten and first grade students. (Martin Luther King Kindergarten Printables)


This video is just too fun.  It’s made by a kindergartener names Anna who was interested in learning about Dr. King.  She shares all of the important facts and since she herself is a kindergartener, the content is perfect!


This is a super easy song from Kiboomers the kids can learn and sing about Martin Luther King.  It’s a cute and catchy tune.


Another great song.  This song would be a little harder to learn but it is still a great catchy little tune.


And it just did not feel right to not include a link to the full I Have A Dream Speech.  It is my professional opinion that kindergarten students won’t be able to follow the message for this amount of time, but if you choose to show it it is completely up to you.


Tech side

How to Find, Download, and Borrow Books from the Internet Archive

On Tuesday hundreds of thousands of works entered the public domain. That includes early movies, pictures, early audio recordings, and many pieces of literature. Many of those works are available through the Internet Archive. The Internet Archive offers millions of texts that can be borrowed and or downloaded for free. In the following video I demonstrate how you can borrow ebooks and download ebooks through the Internet Archive.

Applications for Education 
There are a couple of things that teachers should note about the Internet Archive before sending students there to look for free books. First, the Internet Archive does contain some works that you definitely wouldn’t want elementary school students to see or listen to. Second, borrowing through the Internet Archive requires registration with a valid email address. Therefore, the best way for teachers to use the Internet Archive is to find what they want students to access then download it and place it into a Google Drive folder or OneNote folder for students to access without having to actually go to the Internet Archive.


Image result for winter inspirational quotes


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