Oct 3


Coming soon to Arno,

Oct. 3

Super Cougar Pizza Lunch 11:00

Jensen Goals 2:00

Teacher eval committee 4:00

Oct. 4

Steve @Riley 9:00

Oct 5

Steve @Traverse City- Barb Chuby is Teacher in Charge

Count Day

Oct 6

Steve @TC

Fall Picture Day

PTA Meeting 6:30

Oct 7

Steve @TC

Fun Run per schedule



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What exciting news Arno received this past Monday.  Our first grade teacher, Mrs. Dawn Watson received a “Teacher of the Week” Award from WNIC,

after being nominated by a parent.  After finding out she won, Mrs. Watson had this to say  “I am honored that one of my students nominated me for the WNIC Teacher of the Week.  It is a pleasure and a privilege to work with the students at Arno. We get to learn, love and laugh together everyday!  I get to see their faces light up and their big smiles when they’re successful. I get to help them when they struggle, pick them up when they fall, hug them when they’re not well and guide them through learning challenges. I am a lucky teacher indeed!  In addition to working with my wonderful 1st grade classroom family I have THE BEST 1st grade teaching team and colleagues in the field. It is an honor to receive recognition for doing the work that I love and I look forward to celebrating with my colleagues and classroom family when WNIC comes to visit us on Thursday morning.” 


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Code Purple Clarification

Please be advised that the Purple cards in your classrooms are for exclusive use to notify the office or any other staff member that you need a Code Purple called for MEDICAL reasons only.  If you have a behavior type emergency, you may call the office for my assistance- or call for Team NCI to come to your location.  I will look into a Red Card to indicate an emergency other than medical for your room.


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Goal Meetings

Please remember that there is an Oct. 31 deadline for the goal meetings to happen.  I have met with several of you already, but not all.  Observations will start mid-October

From the desk of Mr. Dawson:
Dear Staff,
The following timelines have been established for the 2016-2017 school year:
Teacher Self Evaluations due in STAGES:  October 31, 2016(Probationary Staff), June 9, 2017 (Tenured Staff)
Professional Goals/Student Growth Goal due in STAGES:  October 31, 2016
Observation/Walk Through (1):  Administrator deadline of December 31, 2016
Mid year Review (Optional):  If Administrator wants to meet, the deadline is February 28, 2016
Observation/Walk Through (2):  Administrator deadline of May 1,2017
Final Evaluation Meeting to review progress:  Administrator/Teacher deadline is June 9, 2017
Completed Evaluation signed off in STAGES:  June 16, 2017

Keep Your Students Engaged with “Turn and Talk”

I am so happy to introduce Sally DeCost from Elementary Mattersbecause I pretty much love everything she writes and I would have been thrilled if she had taught my own kids. She does her research and she is tons-o-fun, so you will not want to miss this one.

I’m a big fan of the brain! 
I have no formal training or education about the brain, but I read a lot and think a lot about how the brain learns and
what we can do as teachers to get the most we can out of the individual brains in our classrooms. It’s fascinating stuff!
Most of the information I’ve learned pretty much backs up what I already knew about teaching, but now there’s
evidence to back it up as good teaching practices!
Today I wanted to talk about a little trick that helps keep young brains engaged and focused on what they are supposed
to be learning.  It’s called “Turn and Talk”.  (Some call this “Think, Pair, Share”. Whole Brain
s version is called “Teach, OK”.)
Here’s what happens:
After a few minutes of a lesson, the teacher tells the children to “turn and talk” about what they just learned.  The
children immediately turn to face their assigned “turn and talk” partner, decide who will go first, and start a very active
conversation!  I require my students to use as many gestures as they can, which I typically introduce before
the “turn and talk” time. (I tend to be very dramatic when I teach!  No one could ever say I’m boring!)  The
conversation goes back and forth until they’ve had enough time to review.  The teacher then asks for volunteers
to share with the whole group, or the teacher simply shares what she heard partners say.  This happens several
times during a lesson, keeping the students busy and engaged throughout the lesson.
It might be necessary to do some re-teaching if the kids aren’t quite on track.  (Isn’t it nice to find this out right
away?)  I’ve been known, after a “turn and talk” session, to say “this is what I heard…” But in reality, I didn’t hear
that, I just wanted the kids to think I heard it, because that’s what I wanted them to learn.  It works every time,
and they never know!
Here’s why it works:
Kids are wired to connect.  Just like adults, they need to interact.  (Sitting for hours and “just listening”
won’t produce much learning-I’m sure you already figured that out!)  Teachers need to give information
in “chunks”.  Experts recommend no more than 2 – 4 chunks of information at a time.  Then the learners
need time to process.  Students need to take frequent breaks from listening and take time to process what they
are learning.  They need to review and think about it.
Plus, kids need to move, and kids need to have fun!  These are basics of brain based learning, and “Turn and Talk”
fits the bill!  I’ve seen this work from Kindergarten all the way through college, and beyond.  Think about
your own professional development workshops and seminars:  don’t you appreciate the opportunity to talk to
your peers and process the information?
Here’s how to set it up:
Take plenty of time to demonstrate how “Turn and Talk” works.  I find having students modeling in front of their
peers grabs their attention.  Show them how to sit “shoulder to shoulder, knee to knee”.  Make it very clear
that they are to keep talking the whole time, even if they have to repeat what they’ve already said.  Show the
children the importance of gesturing and mirroring the gestures.  I also find they benefit from a demonstration
of “what NOT to do”!  I’ve been know to be very amusing when I model that part! (If you make them laugh, they’llremember!  That’s another aspect of brain based learning!)
Choose “Turn and Talk” partners at the beginning of the lesson, teach a little, then say “Turn and Talk”!
Feel free to download my Turn and Talk Poster by clicking the image below.  There’s also a version
if you prefer to call it “Think, Pair, Share”!

It’s been a pleasure to guest post for Rachel at Minds in Bloom!

Sally is a very experienced teacher of 36 years, having taught all grades from Preschool through 8th grade, except
4th.  She has a B.S. in Elementary Education and a master’s degree inCreative Arts in Learning.
She has taught 2nd grade for several years now. She loves sharing her teaching experience and her passion for
brain based learning on her blog.at Elementary
 and selling at her Teachers Pay Teachers store.  She also has a Pinterest board on Brain Research!

PTA Mad Science Night

From the Dry Ice bubbles to Bernoulli’s Principals on air pressure, Arno students got a fun look at how science works in our world.  We had many families show up for the educational fun, and were able to enjoy cookies after the show compliments of the Arno PTA!

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Sept 26

Coming Soon to Arno…

Sept. 26

5th Grade Camp Parent Meeting 7:00

Sept. 27

Sbonek IEP per schedule

Sept. 28

Staff Meeting 7:50 a.m.

Sept. 29

Principal’s Meeting 9:00

ICC 4:00

PTA Mad Science Night

Sept. 30

Tornado Drill



Arno Vision

Arno Elementary will provide a system of support to empower and inspire students

to become collaborative learners that strive for academic excellence


Meet the Teacher

I am still waiting on a couple of numbers, but it looks like we fared around 60% attendance for Meet the Teacher.  Hosting a meet the teacher before school begins like many other districts may be something to think about, especially when considering the upside of possibly more attendance.  We can talk about how that could look through the year, as many of you expressed interest.



Please make sure that you have filled out a goal meeting time to meet with me on your Professional and Student growth goals Sept. 30.   Remember, non-tenure has an Oct. 1 deadline to fill out the self-assessment, tenure has until we meet for your final eval to do the self-assessment.  If you have any issues logging in, let me know- but I expect that we will wrap this up within a couple of weeks so I can start observations and walk throughs.


Staff Meeting

Just a reminder- we will be having a staff meeting on Wed. Sept 28 at 7:50.  Please plan on being on time as we only have 30 minutes.



Reminder! The modules need to be completed by October 30, 2016.

Math in Focus

Please take a look at some of these resources I found on the program, you may have some use or even sending to parents

Math in Focus Website (For grades K-5)


Virtual Manipulatives

Grade and Chapter Specific Help

Student Books Online


Grade Level Support Videos by Chapter


Math in Focus Interactives – Student Tutorial, Practice and Quizzes

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Daily 5 Tip of the Day

Should an Entire Class Read to Self at the Same Time?

By Allison Behne

Occasionally teachers or even entire schools choose to have all students Read to Self at the same time, instead of including it as one of their Daily 5 choices, because they believe that silence is an advantage for students engaged in independent reading. Although creating a silent environment might be helpful to some extent, there are several advantages to including Read to Self in the Daily 5.

First, when Read to Self is a choice during the Daily 5 block, we are able to confer with students and coach them as they use the particular strategies on which they are working. If all children Read to Self at the same time we will be interrupting all tasks to confer with students.

Second, choice is motivating for students. In Daily 5, we ask students to think about whether they prefer to read or write first. Since we know they will engage in both reading and writing at some point, we trust them to make that choice.

And third, Daily 5 trains students’ muscle memory to get started right away, stay in one spot, ignore distractions and persevere, work quietly, and read the entire time. If we spend the necessary time and use all 10 Steps to Independence to build students’ stamina, they will be successful during Daily 5, even when all five choices are going on around them at once. Learning to read independently in the Daily 5 environment teaches students how to pick up a book and read elsewhere as well—at home, on a bus ride, in a classroom, in a library, or wherever they may be. After all, when children read at home, they are seldom in a totally silent environment. When we train children to ignore distractions and provide them with the opportunity to practice independent reading daily, we enable them to be successful—not only within the four walls of the classroom, but outside those walls as well.

If you have the option to include Read to Self in each round of Daily 5, give it a try. After they’ve had a few days to build their stamina and concentration, students engaged in independent reading of their choice will contribute to, rather than detract from, the quality of Daily 5 rounds.

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5th Grade Camp Meeting

FYI- the parent meeting for camp will be on Monday, September 26 @7:00 at the Allen Park Center for the Arts. 

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PTA News…

The preparation for Fourth Annual Arno Fun Run  is well underway.  The PTA and school community are excited for this event on Friday, October 7 .

On Line Donations

We hope that you are finding the Get Movin’ Crew on-line donation website easy to use and are able to share with friends and family.  We are on track to meet our goals for this year and are so grateful for all you are doing!  Go to http://www.thegetmovincrew.com/ and Click on the Star if you haven’t had a chance to register yet and share the message about our Caring Cougars Making Tracks.

The Report System makes your job easy! Cash and check pledges merge into Pledge HQ for accurate pledge reports. Run Reports at the Click of a button, anytime!

Also, please remember to join us for all the fun this Thursday at the PTA Mad Science Night.  Info Below



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Italian Dinner 

A message from Kelly Meister,  the APHS PTSA VP.

We are hosting our annual Homecoming Italian Dinner next week, on September 30 from 5-6:30 pm at the high school.  Thank you for your support and I hope to see you at the Italian dinner!


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MTSS Community Letter

Please take a moment to read a letter to the community about Multi Tiered System of Support in AP.

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Homework Help

NHS has added an additional day to the homework help program this year and will be offering homework help at the AP Public Library on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  The program will begin Thursday, September 29.
Also, parents that have elementary aged students should be directly supervised by a parent or other responsible adult while participating in the program.


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Sept. 19

Coming Soon to Arno…

Sept. 19

Dibels Testing starts

Superintendent Forums begin

Sept. 20

Dibels Testing

Superintendent Forums continue

Danielson eval training- Steve all day

Sept. 21

Dibels Testing wraps

IEPs per schedule Jenson

Fire Drill 12:00

SIP meeting 3:45

Sept. 22

Nothing Scheduled

Sept. 23

Nothing Scheduled



Arno Vision

Arno Elementary will provide a system of support to empower and inspire students

to become collaborative learners that strive for academic excellence


PLC’n at Arno

4th Grade Discussing Plans for the Week




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Dibels Next…is coming soon


Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Next is a standardized set of general reading outcome measures. The measures assess for(depending on grade) phonological awareness, alphabetic principle, accuracy and fluency with connected text, vocabulary, and comprehension. The measures are designed to be short (1-3 minutes) and can be used as a universal screener, as well as a progress monitoring tool. The purpose is to identify students at-risk of not meeting grade level reading benchmarks and to provide such students targeted supports immediately.

This year, we will be administering the DIBELS in grades K-5. The number of tests per student will vary based on grade level.  A team of trained staff will be administering the DIBELS this fall.  On the days of assessment and the day and time (AM or PM) you can expect students to be pulled for assessment from their class. Once again, these are very brief assessments and will take less than 3-5 minutes per student. The 4th and 5th grade DAZE portion will be administered as a whole class. With instruction the exercise takes approximately 5 minutes.

We will starting with our team from Arno on Sept. 19-21.  They will be pulling from one grade level per half day, starting with K.  We will have follow up info on the data portion.

Please read the article below for further information




Goal Reminders…

As previously discussed at our staff meeting we will be using an on-line evaluation platform to house all of our evaluation data each school year.

In case you were not present, or may not remember the process, I created a step by step instructional video for you to watch.  This will help guide you throughout the process of logging into the system and creating your goals.  

After you watch the video, feel free to log in and get started.  Click the web link below:

Website:  https://live.stagessoftware.com/user/login/

Log On Info:  your email address (ex: darga@appublicschools.com)

Password:  Password (you will reset this after you log in)

* After you create your goals, don’t forget to hit “Save & Submit” to share with your building administrator.  Again, I would like you to schedule a goal meeting with me after Sept 19

Here are some additional resources to assist you with the process.  



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Meet the Teacher

Thanks for a great evening for parents at last night’s Meet the Teacher.  We had a good turnout, awesome looking classrooms,  and everyone seemed very happy and excited for the school yea!  Now the year is off and running!!!  Please make sure I get a copy of your sign in- in whatever form it is, and your total count

MTSS Wheel





Dear all,

We have some very exciting news for you.  Our Chromebooks can run Microsoft Office!  The login for Office 365 will be on the bookmark bars for staff and students. The login and passwords are the same for Office 365 and Google. Username ”  *****@appublicschools.com   Password: same password as your google login.

 We will be uploading instructions on our Help Desk on how to log into Office 365 soon.  If you would like to use the online version of Microsoft Office (Office365) at your desk, please go to http://portal.office.com and login.  It is available now and you and your students can use it at home and school/work.

 NOTE** To save any document you will have to setup your one drive first. (one time setup)

 1. Login to http://portal.office.com

2. Launch One drive and click to continue through the prompts

3. Open application of choice and work and save in Microsoft Office online.

4. Any documents saved will be saved automatically in your one drive just like Google

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PTA Fun Run…

Hello Arno teachers! What a busy first week we’ve had! Whew! As you know our Fun Run has launched!

 The PTA wanted to let you know of a simple way to view your Classroom Fun Run report!

         This is set up online for you so you can stay updated with where your classroom falls on the leader board & encourage participation.

This can really help our PTA overall goal if we have your support emailing, blogging, FB, tweeting, whatever you can do to help promote this event! Let families know how important their support is for student & staff benefits! You can bookmark this attachment and the link will work the entire time, in real time. All you need to do is open the attachment, download it, and click their “Team” name that is highlighted in red. This will bring you to your live Classroom page.



Drills so far

So far so good on drills- some observations:

  • I did observe some teachers popping their heads out of their room quickly, this is the correct procedure with lock down.  As part of the hurried routine to lock up, you need to do a fast scan of the hallway to make sure there are no kids wandering that need to be grabbed.

  • Fire drill went well- but there were still some doors open.  It is important to close your doors as they are fire rated- which is meant to save your room long enough to hopefully not catch on fire.  Please make sure you are closing your door on the way out, and carrying your roster to do a line check.

Our next drill is Wednesday at lunch, 12:00.  This will get a little more ‘interesting” to implement.


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Sept 12


Coming up at Arno…

Sept. 12

Ad council 9:00

Sept. 13

Lockdown Drill 10:00

B.M. meeting 8:30

Sept. 14

PBIS Meeting 3:45

Sept. 15

District Safety Committee 9:30

Title 1 Parent night 6:00

Meet the Teacher 7:00-8:00

Sept. 16

No events


Welcome Back…Scenes from around town


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Thanks to everyone for helping our first week back go smooth.  As I traveled around the building the last few days it was amazing to see how focused the kids were and how quickly they adapted to their new rooms- that certainly is a testament to your skills!   Thanks again and hats off to you for a great start!


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From the Daily 5 Corner…



Classroom Setup Mirrors Your Beliefs

by Gail BousheyWhat we generally find is for beliefs to change, people’s experiences have to change first.—Iris Bohnet

When I walked into Cindy Ruptic’s first-grade classroom, the first thing I noticed was the desks. They were clustered in groups of four, and each group had its own potted plant and a small bookshelf for personal and library books. Nothing new, you say? Maybe not, but it was new to me. I was still setting up my classroom with desks in straight rows, and my classroom didn’t have its own library. Even worse, my teacher’s desk—more like a shrine, to be honest—took up a fourth of the room.

What was Cindy thinking? How would she ever be able to teach students who weren’t facing her? And what did she know about teaching that I didn’t? For me, seeing Cindy’s classroom sparked the first of many conversations about classroom design, student learning, and best practices for teaching.

Does a new classroom arrangement prompt us to reconsider our beliefs about teaching? Or does the gradual evolution in our teaching prompt us to rearrange our classrooms? Honestly, I’m not sure, but I suspect there’s a bit of chicken and egg going on here. What I do know is that every aspect of our teaching environment sends a message to all who enter. That message should be that this classroom is an interesting place, a comfortable and safe place, and a place where students are actively engaged in their own learning. When you look through the door of a classroom, you get a glimpse into what that teacher believes about students, their learning, and the way teaching is best delivered.


No matter how your classroom has been set up for this year, remember that it is not only your students who will be growing this year. You will be growing, too. How is your teaching improving, and how can that be reflected in your classroom?


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Room Configuration

In order to address the need for student collaboration as part of best practice/turn and talk- please make sure you have students set up in table groups as opposed to rows.  This will continually give you the ability to facilitate collaboration within your room.


Please remember to write your 2 professional growth goals (1 literacy, 1 math) plus your one student growth goal in the Stages platform.  I shared the Stages google doc with examples on how to do both.   Please send me a date/time that works for you to discuss the goals starting the week of Sept. 19- Oct. 4



Please remember that the contest for membership drive is still running.  The winning class gets a prize with the most memberships and the winning teacher gets $100 Scholastic Dollars to use! Be sure to talk it up and motivate your kids!!

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From the Curriculum Department:

Since the new school year is almost upon us, I wanted to put a reminder out that Constitution Day is also right around the corner.  Therefore, please ensure you and/or your teachers conduct some sort of “educational program” to commemorate the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 16th (as the 17th falls on a Saturday this year).  Please use the Google form link you received in your email to document your Constitution Day activities!

For a variety of resources, you can go to:

Here is the specific language related to this statute:

Constitution Day Public Law 108-447 requires all educational institutions receiving federal funds to hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17, 2016, for the students served by the educational institution. If the 17th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the law allows the celebration to be held during the preceding or following week.

In order to demonstrate our compliance with this law, I am required to submit documentation to the state.  Therefore, please send me the details related to how your building is honoring Constitution Day by Sept. 21st.


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For those employees required to complete Safe Schools Training, the system is now open and available to complete for the 2016-2017 school year.  The modules need to be completed by October 30, 2016.  Please email me if you have any issues.



Please take a few minutes to read this article on the importance of positive communication.  Please consider making an effort to reach out with good news or a kind word through email, Class Dojo, or a phone call weekly this year.  Every little bit counts. http://blog.williamferriter.com/2016/07/02/simple-truth-kids-want-to-be-noticed/
