October 2022

Animated CSS Only Ghost by Damien Garcia on Dribbble

Coming soon to Arno…

Oct. 4

Fire Drill

Teacher Data Day

Oct. 6

Staff Meeting 7:45

Picture Day

Super Cougar Lunch

PTA Meeting 6:00

Oct. 11

2nd Grade to Real Life Farm

Ad council 9:00

Oct. 12

Walk to School Day

PBIS 8:00

Oct. 13

ALICE Evacuation Drill 1:30- Full evac to church meeting point

Reading and Math Meeting 8:00

Oct. 17

MTSS Meeting (Steve, Beth, Erin J)

Oct. 18

Culvers Of Allen Park | Allen Park Chamber of Commerce

Culver’s Scholarship Fundraiser Night

Oct. 19

SIP 8:00

Kinder to Real Life Farm

Steve @RESA

Oct. 20

SEL 8:00

Oct. 21

Report Card Window Opens

Oct. 24

Nibblers® Bite Size Cookie Tins Delivery | Mrs. Fields®

Mrs. Fields Office Fundraiser Kickoff

Oct. 28

Halloween Vehicle* Parade – Home of the VPCA

Halloween Parade 10:00

Early Release 11:30

Oct. 31

PEANUTS on Twitter: "Happy Halloween! 👻 🎃 https://t.co ...

Happy Halloween! Full Day of School

PBIS Reward







3 Key Uses of Supplemental Data Manager

Data Dive

Our first teacher data dive is coming up the link to sign up is below for October 4th.  At our first meeting, we will also be joined by Beth, Jen (ELL), and Erin Jackson to help support our discussions.  Our time will be spent looking at the NWEA results, quadrant charts, FAST, and BAS/JR.  I look forward to our initial conversations!



Snoopy Alchemy GIF - Snoopy Alchemy Experiment - Discover & Share GIFs

Science Committee Survey

The K-12 Science committee kindly requests that you take a few minutes to complete the

K-5 Science Survey.  It is the hope of the committee that we can all work together to strengthen science education throughout our district.  This survey is the first step in devising a plan for the 2022-23 school year.  Please complete the survey by Monday, October 3rd.

Top Thats Very Important Stickers for Android & iOS | Gfycat

EVAL Timeline

***Anytime your goals and self assessment are completed, please make a time to meet with me.  I would like to meet with everyone by the end of the first week of November.

The following timelines have been established for the 2022-2023 school year:

Teacher Self Evaluations due in SFS:  October 29, 2022

Professional Goals/Student Growth Goal due in SFS:  October 29, 2022

** If there is a need to extend these dates because of a technical issue, please see your building administrator, but after reviewing the site with some staff members, it doesn’t seem to be too complicated.

**In many cases your professional growth goal will align with our school and district priorities

Observation/Walk Through (1):  Administrator deadline of December 16, 2022

Mid year Review (Optional, unless you are probationary):  If Administrator wants to meet, the deadline is February 24, 2023

Observation/Walk Through (2):  Administrator deadline of May 5, 2023

Final Evaluation Meeting to review progress:  Administrator/Teacher deadline is June 9, 2023 (pending Munetrix computation)

Completed Evaluation signed off in SFS:  June 15, 2023

There are training powerpoints found in SFS, and I would draw your attention to help documents related to entering goals. Specifically look for the self assessment and the landing page for staff members to enter goals. There are a handful of links, but we really would like you to look to the goals section if you are having issues:

  • Personal goal driven by the teacher

  • (Professional goal) Principal driven goal for each teacher, aligned to building and district priorities.

  • Student growth goal is optional this year since Munetrix is going calculate a score

If you are a probationary teacher, there are some suggested goals above and beyond those in your IDP. The student growth goal can go into the “Goals” link. There are spaces for a class goal and a targeted goal. Please use the class goal for your student growth (if applicable) goal and leave the targeted goal blank unless you and your building administrator have had a conversation.  There is a separate link for a professional goal.



Walking kids | Motion design animation, Cute gif, Kids vector

Walk to School 2022

Walk to School 2022

Snoopy First Time GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Committee Work


  1. Rewards
    1. Volunteer to organize
  1. Golden Tray
    1. Begin October
    2. Monthly
    3. Winners on marquee and extra recess
  1. Sub Committees/Point Person
    1. Tier 2/3
      1. Emilie
    2. Cougar Cash/Store
      1. Katie
    3. Broadcast
      1. Megan S.
    4. Mentors–rolling out throughout October
      1. Lisa
      2. Dawn
    5. Super Cougar
      1. Cassie
    6. Monthly Reward
      1. All Committee
    7. SEL connection
      1. Marisa
    8. Smencils
      1. Katie
      2. Linda?
    9. Holiday Cash
      1. Andrea
  1. Holiday Cash
    1. Specifics
      1. Brainstorm
    2. Months 
      1. Creepy Cash (October) sucker
      2. Santa Cash (December) candy cane
      3. Raining Cash (March)
      4. Kindness is Blooming (May)
  1. September Reward
    1. Reward: popsicles and extra rewards
    2. Organizer: Katie
    3. Date: Friday, September 30, 2022
    4. Flips: 7 or less
    5. Reminders:
  1. October Reward
    1. Reward: movie
    2. Organizer:
    3. Date: Monday, October 31, 2022
    4. Flips: 6 or less
    5. Reminders: non-earners miss 20 minutes of movie and then rejoin class
  1. ROAR assembly
    1. Tuesday, September 20
    2. Find slots and send email
  1. Marisa
    1. discuss slots to review social skills during monthly rewards
  1. RESA Tier 2 trainings
    1. https://www.resa.net/teaching-learning/pbis 
    2. Virtual; 8:30-10:30a
      1. Intro/check in and check out: Sept 29
      2. More Options: Oct 21
  1. Smencils
    1. Being October
    2. Monthly
      1. Thursdays
    3. Travels on a cart
      1. Who–Linda Mantua?
  1. Super Cougar 
    1. Culver’s lunch
      1. Hamburger or chicken fingers
      2. Milk or apple juice
  1. Tier 2 data plan
  2. October agenda 
    1. Begin clip/flip discussion
    2. Budget
    3. Data presentation
    4. Mentors
    5. Double check stations



  • Discussions on the current status of how the new program is going
  • Discussions on the Oct. PD to look at Pacing in Atlas vs. Big Ideas- possibly talk with other buildings at that point


  • Discussions on M-STEP programming
  • Discussions around launching Tutoring- Digital Programs= 1 hour pay ($30), Small group tutoring= 2 hour pay ($60)
  • The chairs will meet soon on M-STEP data and analyze to see if we need to add anything into our programming this year.




  1. Beth- Title I Update
    1. FastBridge 4th and 5th grade currently testing- K and 1 done
    2. JR Kits distributed
    3. October 13/14 MTSS with JT and Matt
    4. Beth, Rachel and Renee day in October to digest Mstep data
  2. Review Digital Thinking Chart
    1. Math Coaches met with admin
    2. New Science coaches- hands on activities
      1. Piloting science curriculum
    3. Free building license for Moby Max- Megan try it out with a few students
  3. Reflex Webinar
    1. 3 teachers- Thursday, 9/22/2022, 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM
  4. Third Friday Staff Gatherings
    1. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f4caeaf28abf58-arno
    2. Ideas for 10/21?
  5. Staff Lounge beautification?
    1. Send email about staff pictures
      1. Erin will send email
  6. How to boost teacher morale throughout the school year?
    1. Lindsay- BINGO staff game

Culvers Of Allen Park | Allen Park Chamber of Commerce


After an amazing turnout last year at our Culver’s scholarship fundraiser, we are going to give it a go again.  I have the signupgenius below to sign up for a shift- but of course, everyone is welcome to come up and be part of the evening (5:00-8:00). All funds go right to the scholarship fund, last year we topped over$1000 for the fund which is amazing!  Hope to see you there!



frankenstein walking straight for you animation

Halloween Parade

Time to get those costumes on for Oct. 28 at 10:00 for our annual Halloween Parade.  Our route will take us out of the 5th grade doors that morning, making a loop on the inside perimeter of the playground.  Let’s hope for great weather!  If there are any changes to the route due to weather, I will let you know when we get close. No costumes are allowed for kids on Monday, but feel free to center your activities around Halloween themes.


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From the PTA

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an all-volunteer, parent-run, non-profit organization that works cooperatively with school administration and educators to provide opportunities for our students and families to socialize by providing fun family events and in-school opportunities. We have provided assemblies, family activity nights, playground/gym equipment, student technology, staff appreciation, and so much more!

Fun Run Success! 

Wow! Our Cougars did an amazing job gathering donations for the Fun Run! Together we raised almost $28,000 and want to thank everyone who helped make this event a success! We couldn’t do it without the support of our Cougar families, volunteers, teachers, staff, and the PTA – A BIG THANK YOU! These donations help fund special events such as dances, family activity nights, in-school assemblies, gym equipment, and so much more. We had so much fun this year and hope your Cougar did too! Way to go Cougars!

Next PTA Meeting

Thursday, October 6th at 6:00 PM – Come see what we have planned next for our students!

 *New Room Location* We will be meeting in the Arno Media Center. Enter through the school front doors, go all the way down the hall until it ends and turn left. We will have childcare for all Arno students. Please register to become a PTA member.

PTA Membership Drive

We currently have our membership drive contest going on through October 14th and the cost is $7 per membership.  Your membership will count towards our contest. The top membership class will win an ice cream party! Anyone can join the PTA – parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. Register online by following this link  https://arnopta.memberhub.com/store We appreciate your support!

Mark Your Calendars!

Book Fair – November 7th – 11th | located at Arno. More information to come soon!

Spirit Wear Sale –  November 16th – 30th | Spirit wear will be sold online this year. More information to come soon!

Like us on Facebook by searching @arnoelementarypta – be sure to like our page, we occasionally give away cool stuff like Detroit Tigers tickets!


Fall Office Fundraiser

Arno will be trying a new fundraiser this year- Mrs. Fields/The Cheesecake factory starting  Oct. 24 to help supplement the many requests we get from staff during the school year such as assessment programs, research-based activities, special project supplies, literacy materials, tech, etc.  The last fundraiser helped us purchase many extra classroom supply requests, Super Cougar pizza lunch supplies, and books for teachers.

The PTA has been a tremendous resource for our building with all they have given, however, the many teacher requests received throughout the school year to give our students the very best experiences create a need to seek additional support.  Therefore, we have partnered with this company to offer you a choice of items should you choose to purchase any, that would support providing more resources for our teachers. The large envelope coming home on Oct. 24  will contain all of the information needed (and there is an online order method).

Fundraiser Timeline

October 24 – November 7 (All orders due)         Fundraiser Sale

November 7 All money and orders due (online payment option available)

Prize info for qualifying sales coming soon at kickoff!

Snoopy Quotes About School. QuotesGram

Image result for kindergarten readiness

Building up to Kindergarten- Coming Soon!

Be sure to sign up in the link provided!

Building Up to Kindergarten Part 1 11.3.22



Nutcracker! Magic Of Christmas Ballet Announces Performance At The Fox Theatre December 11 | 313 Presents

Congratulations to one of our very own Cougars- Ava Fugedi, on being cast in the Nutcracker Ballet coming to the Fox Theater this Christmas! Be sure to get your tickets!



▷ Santa Claus: Animated Images, Gifs, Pictures & Animations - 100% FREE!

PTA Holiday Fever is coming to town…

Cougar Connect | The Caring Cougar News Source

Tech Time

Lessons to Answer Common Questions About Fall

Yesterday morning my youngest daughter and I were walking one of our dogs when she asked a question that her older sister asked a couple of years ago. That question was, “why do we have fall?” I did my best to explain it to her (she’s four, five next month) in terms that she could understand. I think she got it the gist of it.

Why Do We Have Fall?

If you have elementary school students who are wondering “why do we have fall?” here are a couple of good little videos on the topic.Why Are There Seasons? from SciShow Kids is a good video lesson about seasons. The video is appropriate for students in primary grades.

Reasons for the Seasons is a TED-Ed lesson appropriate for upper elementary and middle school students. The lesson explains the relationship between the shape of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, the Earth’s tilt on its axis, and how those affect the amount of sunlight on different areas of the Earth. 

What is the Harvest Moon?
While looking for the videos above, I came across a related video that I featured in a blog post a couple of years ago. That video is ScienceCasts: The Harvest Moon. In the video the team at NASA ScienceCasts explains why the full moon that is closest to the northern autumnal equinox is called The Harvest Moon and why other moons have names too (have you heard of the snow moon or the wolf moon?). I found the video interesting, and I hope that you and your students do too.

Why Do Leaves Change Color?
Science Film Making Tips offers a good, partially animated, explanation of why leaves change colors, what produces the colors, and why bright and sunny days are best for viewing red leaves. The video is embedded below.

Reactions, a great YouTube channel from the American Chemical Society, offers a nice video about the chemistry involved in the process of leaves changing color. The videos explains how chlorophyll and the glucose stored inside trees help reveal the reds, yellows and, browns of fall foliage.

SciShow Kids offers this short video lesson to answer the question, “why do leaves change color in the fall?” following video about the science of changing leaves.

Three More Ways for Students to Create Flashcards Online

Writing yesterday’s blog post about my favorite alternative to Quizlet prompted me to look back at some other options for creating online flashcards. Should you find yourself looking for some free and easy ways for students to make online flashcards, give the following options a try.

Flippity’s flashcard template lets you create multimedia flashcards by simply entering terms into a Google Sheet. Your flashcards can include audio, video, images, and text. In this video I demonstrate how to create a set of multimedia flashcards by using Flippity’s Google Sheets template. A bonus of using Flippity is that, as I point out at the end of the video, when you create a set of flashcards with Flippity’s template you’re also creating matching activities and practice quizzes at the same time.

Easy Notecards is a free tool for creating text-based and image-based flashcards. What makes Easy Notecards a little different from other notecard and flashcard services is that you can search for public notecard sets according to textbook topics and titles. This is possible because when an Easy Notecards user creates a set of cards he or she can tag the cards with a book title and chapter within that book. For example, if I am making a set of cards based on chapter four of the U.S. History textbook The Americans I would tag that set with “The Americans, Chapter 4.” The cards that you create and or find on Easy Notecards can be used in five ways. They can be used as traditional flashcards that you simply flip back and forth. They can be used in a matching game. The cards can be used in a quiz game. Your cards can be used in an online bingo game. And the cards can be printed.

There are more than 300 flashcard templates in Canva’s design gallery. In that gallery you’ll find templates for making flashcards for math, spelling, geography, and more. And all of the templates can be modified to fit your needs. In this short video I demonstrate how to use Canva to create printable math flashcards. While watching the video pay attention to my trick for making all of the cutting lines exactly the same.