Oct. 29

Trick or Treat Halloween wishes watercolor

Coming soon to Arno…

Oct. 29

PBIS Reward

Oct. 30

PTA Membership Drive Class reward

Metro Parks Schultz

Oct. 31

Halloween Parade 10:00

Early Dismissal 11:30

Image result for halloween

Nov. 1

Principal for the Day winner- Nina Hegedus

PTA Meeting 6:30

Nov. 2

NCI Refresher- Steve

Nov. 5

Cervantes obs 10:30

Nov. 6

DiCarlo obs 9:30

Higgins obs 10:30

Nov. 7

Johnson obs 9:30

P/T Conf 5:00-7:30

Nov. 8

Early dismissal 11:30

P/T Conf 12:45-3:15/5:00-7:30

Nov. 9

Reflections entries are due


Arno Vision

Arno Elementary will provide a system of support to empower

and inspire students to become collaborative learners

that strive for academic excellence

Arno has been awarded MIHeart Safe Designation

This is awarded to schools that have completed criteria such as

AED and CPR training and a cardiac emergency response plan.

Arno is one of only 211 schools with this designation

in the state and it is issued  for the next three years.

Congratulations to our staff on maintaining a

safe environment for all students, staff, and visitors


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For those employees required to complete Safe Schools Training, the system is now open and available to complete for the 2018-2019 school year.  The modules need to be completed by October 31.  Please email me if you have any issues.


Image result for parent teacher conferences


All links have now been sent out to parents- please share your link as well to your classroom parents.  We will once again provide dinner on Wednesday so please let Cathy know if you will be partaking.  Also, please let me know if there are any conferences you would like me to attend.


Image result for kindergarten readiness

Building up to Kindergarten

We had a terrific turnout for our second annual Preschool meeting with parents and their preschooler.  This is an event that is open to all of our local preschools in the area and is designed to give parents a better understanding of the skills that their child will need as they enter kindergarten next fall.   We had amazing 41 families from various preschools attend the event, more than double the amount over last year.

A huge thanks to our Kindergarten staff , Nickie Stanley, Cristina DiCarlo, and Megan Johnson, for an excellent job on helping our future kindergartners be better prepared for next year.

The presentation slides can be seen below- there will be Part 2 of Building up to Kindergarten in the winter.

Building Up to Kindergarten Part 1 Night Fall-1om8pkb

 From the PTA

The next PTA Meeting is on November 1st, in the Arno Cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. As always, free childcare for school aged children will be provided. Spirt wear will also be sold (cash, check and credit card is accepted). 

NEW spirit wear options are coming! Watch for flyers to come home soon!

Our “Get The Scoop” Membership Drive has wrapped up! We are happy to announce that the following classes have won……… Martinchick’s class is in first place with 23 members, Smalley’s class is in second with 22 members and Wesley’s class is in third place with 19 members!!  These classes will be enjoying an ice cream social on October 30th and the teacher’s will have book fair money to spend for their class! As of right now we have 157 PTA members. Our goal for the month of November is to recruit at least 10 more business memberships, public official memberships, or outside/community members. Can you help us reach our goal?


Holiday Fever is almost here! Join us on Saturday November 3rd at the Allen Park High School from 9am-3pm. There will be a craft and vendor show, mom 2 mom sale, tin can raffle and concessions. Admission is $1 (over age 12). Proceeds go to the PTA Council scholarship fund. This is a perfect time to start your Holiday shopping!

Reflections is well underway. Entries are due on November 9th to your teacher. Get Creative!
This is your chance to tell a story about “Hero’s Around Me” through one of the following :
Dance Choreography
Film Production
Music Composition
Visual Arts

Just a reminder that our Carnival themed book fair is coming soon! Look for more information starting next week and a signup genius link to go out soon! Volunteers receive 20% off their purchase for each full shift they work!!

Limo and Lunch

Congrats again to all of our Top Sellers for this year’s Fun Run- we had a great time with our limo ride to Red Robin’s and then an ice cream at Mickey D’s!


Therapy dogs start in Mrs. Jensen’s room


Fire Safety Assembly

Thank you our Allen Park fire Department for coming out to Arno for another excellent fire safety assembly!


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Cougars go for a Scary Skate….


A Good Site for Vocabulary Lists and Practice Activities

Vocabulary.com is an excellent vocabulary study service offering thousands of vocabulary practice lists and activities for students in elementary school through graduate school. In addition to lists of SAT, GRE, and other test prep words, you can find vocabulary lists that are attached to novels, historical documents, famous speeches, and current news articles.

When you sign up for Vocabulary.com you will be given an assessment quiz in order to give you suggested lists with which to start your practice. After completing the assessment you can use the practice lists suggested by Vocabulary.com or choose your own lists from the huge gallery of vocabulary lists.

Applications for Education
One of the aspects of the Vocabulary.com activities that I like is the instant feedback for every practice question a student attempts. As you can see in the image above, if a student answers incorrectly on his first attempt, he will see the definition and the word in context.

From the District

Dear AP School Community,
Please support the Allen Park PTA/PTSA Council Scholarship fund with your time, donations and talents at Holiday Fever on Nov. 3!  Since 1959 the PTA Council has awarded scholarships to AP graduating seniors with your generous support.
Sign up to donate food or paper products — or work a shift before or after you shop! 
Rent at table for the Craft Show or Mom 2 Mom Sale at
Share the Holiday Fever Facebook event  with friends and family.
Thank you!
Sandy Winkler Hoback
Allen Park PTA/PTSA Council

Great for quick formative assessments

Plickers Brings Back Individual Student Reports!

Back in September the folks at Plickers, a popular student-response service, released a bunch of updates to their mobile apps and website. Some of those updates, like easier display of questions have been popular. Some of those updates were panned by teachers. Fortunately, the Plickers team has been responsive to the voices of their users and is making adjustments accordingly. To that end Plickers once again has individual student reports.

To generate individual student reports in Plickers you do have to assign each card to each of the students on your classroom roster. After you have done that you can poll your class at any time by having them hold up their assigned cards then scan the room with the Plickers app open your phone or tablet. All of your students’ responses will then be available in your reports.

The Basics of Plickers
Plickers is a free polling service that I started using back in 2014. It is unlike any other polling system because only the teacher needs a phone or tablet to make the system work.

To use Plickers you have to give each of your students a card or piece of paper that has a large, unique QR code on it. Each edge of the QR code has an “A,” “B,” “C,” or “D” printed on it. When you ask your students a question they all hold up their cards with their answer choices (A,B,C, or D) on top. Then you scan the room with your phone or tablet while you have the Plickers app open. Plickers will quickly tally all responses and put them into a report for you.

You can print the QR codes directly from the Plickers website. If you use that option, I recommend printing on card stock. You can also purchase laminated Plickers code cards on Amazon.

Applications for Education
Plickers is a fantastic polling system to use in classrooms that don’t have computers or tablets for every student. The advantage of Plickers over just having students raise their hands is that Plickers can be used for anonymous polling. To conduct an anonymous poll have all students hold up their cards at the same time. Because each card has its own unique pattern students don’t know how their classmates are answering a question.

Plickers can also be a good option in classrooms in which taking out a tablet or laptop for a quick activity can be a bit of a hassle (I’m thinking of a couple of 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms that I recently visited).


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