Week of October 5



As we make our way to Shocktober, here is what’s coming up…


10/5             PTA Reflections Contest Begins

10/6-8         Steve, Barb, and Kathy @Title 1 Fall Conference (Michelle Sbonek is Teacher in Charge for this period)

10/7            Count Day

Meetings with Cindy Marcero per schedule

Walk or Ride Your Bike to School Day

10/8            Nothing Scheduled

10/9            No School- Teacher PD @ Bennie 8:00-3:00



Many thanks to Rachel and Barb for securing a grant in the amount of $500 for a March assembly

“Creative Writing and Becoming an Author”  This should be a valuable assembly and

we appreciate the time and effort it takes bring something unique to Arno!



NWEA Testing

Our testing window is underway and so far our chromebooks have performed well for the task.  The students seem at ease using them and our techy teachers have mastered the process.  I will be scheduling make-up sessions in the upcoming 2 weeks to help with testing.  Let me know who you have coming down so I make sure the space is big enough.

The window runs through October 23.


Title 1

Fall Director’s Conference

As you have already read above, Cathy, Barb, and I are joining the other 2 elementaries and Jennifer for the fall Directors Title 1 conference T,W, & TH.  During that time, Michelle Sbonek  will be

teacher in charge and in contact with me.  I will be monitoring my email daily and should the need arise, call me 586-610-0240.  We will all return for the Friday PD at Bennie.


Our Job Is to Evaluate Our Impact

By Gail Boushey

October 2, 2015
Issue #376

I was listening to Dr. John Hattie speak on the Bedley Brothers podcast, anticipating another nugget that would be both profound and obvious.

I leaned in a little closer when Tim Bedley asked Dr. Hattie what practice teachers would implement first if they were to look at all his research. What is one thing they could do that would make a significant, positive difference for the students in their classes?

Dr Hattie hardly skipped a beat between question and answer. “When teachers walk into their rooms each day, they should say in their minds, ‘My job is to evaluate my impact.’” He suggests that we look at our own teaching and ask, How it is working? Do we know where we are going? Do we know how to get there? Do we know where to go next? Answering these questions helps us evaluate our impact.

When I answer Dr. Hattie’s question for myself, I realize the Pensieve is the tool that makes the impact of my teaching visible, as it tracks student learning. Student understanding and progress are measured with Touch Points every time I meet with them in a small group or one-on-one. These indicators help me evaluate if what I am doing is working, when to try something else, and where to go next.

No longer can we blindly follow a program, pacing guide, or curriculum. As professionals, it is our responsibility to move beyond simply delivering lessons. When we work with students, providing instruction based on formative assessments, monitoring progress, and providing feedback, we will be following Dr. Hattie’s advice to evaluate our impact, and it will be evident that it is reaching its greatest potential.


Classroom Schedules

Please send me a copy of your typical day schedule (or a typical week) so I can see when your LA block, math, science, etc takes place during the day.

Also, now that we are entering October, and kids are at their best during that time,  short snack breaks are fine for K-3, grades 4-5- the kids should be able to work and snack.



Fire Safety Assembly

Thanks to Barb and Rachel for setting up with the Allen Park Fire Dept. for a fire safety assembly on Oct 15.  Schedule follows:

K & 3    9:00

1 & 2     10:00




Even though the district has stopped working with our last recycling company due to new fees, the district’s contract with Republic waste (our current company the empties both the cardboard and regular trash dumpsters) requires Republic to take ALL our recyclables.  That is paper, glass, plastic, cardboard, metal, etc.  So, we will have to get some stronger, clear bags, but we are still at least able to recycle up to a point.  We are still exploring different methods of recycling- stay tuned.  Thanks to Carrie for the update



Very important- Please remember to change your PIN in Aesop to the PIN number that was given to you at the beginning of the school year.  Please let me know if you need assistance, I have copies of all the PINS.




Dr. Sokol has shared a valuable resource for the district from AFIRM, Autism Focused Intervention Resources and Modules.  The site contains many modules, with more to come, that will help you give you ideas and strategies to help with our ASD kids.  Although some of the modules are lengthy, you can break it down and choose the parts of it that may interest you.   This is definitely a timely resource as we see more student diagnosed with ASD in our classrooms.  Here is the link:   http://afirm.fpg.unc.edu/  You have to set up an account, which is free and go on to the modules.

AFIRM Modules

AFIRM Modules are designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring an EBP with learners with ASD from birth to 22 years of age. Supplemental materials and handouts are available for download.

Visit the Learn with AFIRM section to find out more.

Available EBP Modules

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Peer-mediated instruction and intervention (PMII) supports positive and meaningful social interactions between peers and learners with ASD.

Time to complete:
This module will take approximately 1.5 – 2 hours to complete.

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Prompting reduces incorrect responding as learners with ASD acquire new skills.

Time to complete:
This module will take approximately 2.5 – 3 hours to complete.

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Reinforcement increases the likelihood that a learner with ASD will perform a target skill or behavior in the future.

Time to complete:
This module will take approximately 2.5 – 3 hours to complete.

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Time delay is a response prompting procedure that systematically fades prompts during instructional activities.

Time to complete:
This module will take approximately 1.5 – 2 hours to complete.

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Visual supports present information in a way that helps learners with ASD focus on key elements.

Time to complete:
This module will take approximately 1.5 – 2 hours to complete.

Upcoming Modules

ECE Exercise
SN Social Narratives
TA Task Analysis

The AFIRM team is currently working on developing the remaining modules for each EBP. Create an account to receive e-mail updates when a new EBP is available.

See working definitions of each EBP.


Thank you…

For another great week at Arno, I can’t believe we are through September already.  You have all made this such a great transition for me into my new role here and I appreciate everything you all have done to help me learn all about the Arno family here.  Have a great weekend!


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