April 4

Coming soon to Arno…

April 4

Welcome Back!

April 5

MiStarDNA training @Riley- Brian, Megan, Steve

Honor Choir Concert @Riley 7:00

April 6

SIP meeting @Riley all day- Megan, Carrie, Sarah, Steve

April 7

K-2 Kindle meeting with Adam 3:45

Principal meeting 9:00

Spring Picture Retake

PTA Meeting 6:30- Election of Officers

ICC 4:00

April 8

End of 3rd Quarter

Report Cards

The window for report cards opens up from April 1 to April 12.  Report cards will go home on April 15th


We drawing very close to the start of the 5th grade window (Begins April 11).  Please find a parent letter regarding M-STEP to all parents in grades 3,4, and 5th that will be sent via blog and e blast.   I have loaded the test integrity doc from the state with all the security protocol, as well as all of the checklists for prepping for the test in the MSTEP Resource folder.  Please review the student list with them prior to testing.  I have also included the link to our schedule for testing MSTEP and NWEA.

** Teachers administering the MSTEP — please continue to ensure that your students are getting practice with the Online Tutorials and Test Practice at least once a week  so they are comfortable and familiar with the test’s appearance and functions.  The tech department has added the INSIGHT app to the Chromebooks, which should link directly to these tutorials and practice, as well as the bookmark sites.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Arno Testing Schedule



6th Grade Camp

Camp got off to an awesome start as temps soared to around 60 degrees under sunny skies for the campers first day.  Here are initial pics to enjoy from Day 1, more will follow soon.  I was really impressed with how well all of our kids respected the camp staff, were on their best behavior, and showed the camp staff what Arno kids are made of!

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Raymond Winter proudly sits by his art work at the district Spring Art Show

District Spring Art Show

Congratulations to all of our young artists who had work on display at the spring art show this week.   There was a great crowd on hand taking in all of the art and listening to the second graders sing from Bennie Elementary.   A BIG thanks to Elizabeth Cunningham, Rachel Trapani, Tracy Hoffman, and Jeff Skebo for another magnificent show!

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March is Reading Month

Thank you to everyone for a successful and fun March is Reading month. All students enjoyed a “flying saucer” doughnut from Krispy Kreme in celebration of the entire month.

Please enjoy some final pics from March and our Author assembly from Thursday.

Ms. Downriver, Shelby Saint Souver 2015, read to numerous classrooms this month



More guest readers…

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Author Visit from Paul Orshoski

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4th graders read with their lightsabers during March


Other guests around Arno town



4th Grade Book Reports and Wayne State Field Trip

Take a look at some very cool projects to go along with 4th grade book reports

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Spirit Wear Online Fundraiser

It’s back by popular demand- Arno Spirit sale is now online.  Awesome news- if you purchase from 3/14-3/28, you will get free shipping  so be sure to order your spirit wear now!  The site link is below, I am also adding it to the right side bar so you can go on anytime (even past this sale) and order Arno wear.



10 Response Writing Tips to Prepare Students for Assessment Success from Write Steps Writing

Response writing is a critical component for success across all subject areas and text types on the upcoming spring assessments. How can you teach your students to write quality text-dependent responses in order to prepare them for success? Here are ten tips:

  1. Vary the length of responses in your lessons. For example, sometimes assign a quick write and other times assign a prompt that requires the students to give an extended response. At other times give students a chance to revise, edit, and score their work.
  2. For extended response prompts, give students the opportunity to respond to a variety of media types (including written text, video and audio recordings). For example, ask students to read a narrative and listen to an audio diary on the same topic. Then, have students respond to a prompt that requires them to use textual evidence from both sources.
  3. Emphasize re-reading and close reading.
  4. Have your students practice gathering the meaning of unknown words through the use of context clues.
  5. Suggest using phrases like: the author said, in paragraph 3, according to the text, etc.
  6. Use a wide range of terms when preparing writing prompts, e.g., article, excerpt, text, selection, key idea, central idea, and theme.
  7. Have your students underline the direction words in a prompt before answering in an attempt to clarify what they are being asked to do, e.g., support, discuss, describe, interpret, respond, summarize, explain, articulate.
  8. Teach a unit of response writing using all text types early in the school year, thus making it easier for students to write quality responses across the curriculum all year long.
  9. Teach a mini-unit of response writing lessons during each text-type unit, e.g., 3-5 lessons during the Narrative unit, 3-5 lessons during the Informative unit, and 3-5 lessons during the Opinion unit.
  10. Don’t forget the RACES writing strategy that helps students write a quality response that is supported by textual evidence. The visual aid, “Off to the RACES: How to Write a Response to a Text, Audio, or Video Presentation” is a useful framework that will help your students remember the steps of writing a thorough response. Click here to download it and pass it out to your students.



We ask that you help us by sharing this information with friends and/or family members who may be interested in having their children become a part of the Allen Park Public Schools Family.

Allen Park Public Schools

Limited Schools of Choice Program for 2016-17

The Allen Park Public School District has established a successful Schools of Choice Program for the past several years and the Board of Education has approved continuation of the program for the 2016-17 school year for Kindergarten through 8th Grade.  (Requests for specific elementary schools cannot be guaranteed)

Applications are available beginning Monday, April 4 at the Riley Education Center, 9601 Vine.  Completed applications will be accepted beginning Monday, April 18 through Friday, May 6, 2016 from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. weekdays in the Pupil Accounting Office at the Riley Education Center.  Completed applications must be presented in person to ensure that all information is complete.  A random draw selection will be held on May 11 at 9:00 a.m. at the Riley Education Center.  The draw will determine numerical selection for acceptance of candidates.

For more information about the Schools of Choice Program, please visit our website at apps.k12.mi.us or call (313) 827-2105.



The entire community is cordially invited to participate and/or attend the Autism Walk-Run to Solve the Puzzle Color Run sponsored by the Allen Park HS Autism Awareness Club on SUNDAY, APRIL 24 – 1:00-4:30 p.m. at Champaign Park.

Silent Auction, DJ/Music, Face Painting, Temporary Tattoos, Food/Refreshments – bring the entire family for a walk and some fun!  Come cheer on the runners and spread some color! All proceeds benefit the APHS ASD Program.

Discounted pre-registration available – $15 – includes walk/run number, t-shirt, color packet to throw and bidding at silent auction.  See attached for more details and registration form!  Let’s come together as a school community and walk!


Who:  Kindergarten to 1st Grade in September 2016

When:  Session (A) June 20 -June 30  (9:00am to 11:30am)

Session (B) June 20-June 30 (12:30pm to 3:00pm)

Where:  Lindemann Elementary (9201 Carter, Allen Park)

A registration form will be sent home with your child the first week of April. Walk-in registration will also be available at the Allen Park Recreation Center Lobby on April 11th from 4-6 p.m.
Safety Town is an interactive safety awareness program for children from 5-6 years of age. Each day the children will be introduced to various safety issues in a fun and safe environment. The program is taught by a Police Officer and a certified teacher, with hands-on topics led by community guest speakers as well as visits from the Allen Park Police & Fire Departments. Teen volunteers from Allen Park High School lead the children through safety town every day and receive valuable training along with obtaining National Honor Society service hours. The children learn about stranger danger, water and beach as well as playground safety, fire safety, pet and bus safety, electrical and gun safety, personal safety with an emphasis on pedestrian safety. The kids will be bicycling about a miniature town complete with streets, sidewalks, buildings, stop signs and a working traffic signal. Importance is placed on having the children memorize a cell phone number to call if they should ever become lost. We use fun songs to reinforce all of these principles and the children memorize our very own Safety Town Pledge!



University of Michigan 4T Virtual Conference:  4 T stands for Teachers Teaching Teachers Technology. The 4T Virtual Conference will be May 21-23.

Please share the link with teachers who want to learn and collaborate about educational technology and earn up to 20 FREE SCECHs, all from the comfort of their home. They can register on the site below. The conference is also FREE.





Please check out this information on a partnership with Concordia University  Allen Park Benefits on 2 pgs


Have a Blessed Easter and Restful Break!

March 21


Coming soon to Arno…

March 21

MTSS district 4:00

March 22

5th Grade Camp Begins- Steve @camp all day

SIP meeting 3:45

March 23

Steve @APHS for mock interviews 10:45

5th grade camp

District Art Spring Show

PTSA Council meeting 6:30

March 24

Author Assembly per schedule

Guest reading @Schultz 10:00

Guest reading @ Liedel 10:30

Guest reading @Martinchick 11:00

5th grade camp

Kindergarten spring celebration 1:30

March 25

No School- Spring Break Begins

March 25-April 3 Spring Break- No School

Have a Happy Easter and Restful Break!

I wish you all a happy Easter and hope that we can all rest and recharge our batteries for the end run.  If you do anything special over break, be sure to send me some pics and I’ll post them in the staff blog!  Thank you for being a caring and collaborative staff, it has been my pleasure to be part of the team this year!


Tech News

Two big tech items on the horizon:

  1. All teacher desktop computers will be replaced over the summer this year.  It will continue to be a desktop for every teacher, with Windows 7 remaining as the OS
  2. Our entire computer lab will be replaced with Google Chromeboxes.  You will have all of the same features as a PC, with a mouse, key board, projector access, etc.  Since we are mainly internet based on our current machines, this should be a nice upgrade.  This will take place as soon as they are able to start the project.  No closures are planned at this point.

MiStar DNA Data Input Training

This is an update to K-3 teachers for our April 14th training on the new data system for data entry of your next DRA scores.

Grades 1 & 3  8:30-10:10

Grade K & 2  10:15-11:50

Second Grade- it looks like we will run your lunch from 11:55-12:35.  I’ll know more when we get close

Please bring a copy of your January results so we have numbers to practice with.


District School of Choice Program FYI

We ask that you help us by sharing this information with friends and/or family members who may be interested in having their children become a part of the Allen Park Public Schools Family.

Allen Park Public Schools

Limited Schools of Choice Program for 2016-17

The Allen Park Public School District has established a successful Schools of Choice Program for the past several years and the Board of Education has approved continuation of the program for the 2016-17 school year for Kindergarten through 8th Grade.  (Requests for specific elementary schools cannot be guaranteed)

Applications are available beginning Monday, April 4 at the Riley Education Center, 9601 Vine.  Completed applications will be accepted beginning Monday, April 18 through Friday, May 6, 2016 from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. weekdays in the Pupil Accounting Office at the Riley Education Center.  Completed applications must be presented in person to ensure that all information is complete.  A random draw selection will be held on May 11 at 9:00 a.m. at the Riley Education Center.  The draw will determine numerical selection for acceptance of candidates.

For more information about the Schools of Choice Program, please visit our website at apps.k12.mi.us or call (313) 827-2105.


School Improvement Update

The district team met Tuesday and heard from our own teachers and Mike Darga about their experiences serving on an external review team.  The work is ahead is challenging, but I am confident we will get this done together and move forward as a collaborative team.

Sarah, Megan, and Carrie are constructing a google doc that they will share with you soon detailing all of the evidence that we will need from the staff to give the team a good picture of who we are.  Please be aware that the external review team, made up of 5 members, will visit every classroom in the building for an average 20 minute time period.  During this time, they will be using a tool called Eliot, which they will use for your classroom observation.  It’s not necessarily a critique on the staff, but a focus on student learning.

During this time, we have set up a weebly to start uploading evidence that we will receive from you.  We will soon meet as a staff and it is my sincere hope when we set up this important update meeting that we will have all staff present.  This should happen sometime late spring.

At this point, be on the lookout for info regarding evidence needed from the SIP team.  The SIP team has expanded and we have now welcomed Megan aboard.  Megan’s role in PBIS has now been turned over to Katie Jensen.

In addition to all of the QAR fun, we have also managed to complete most docs for the SIP leading up to the larger plan.  We will also be meeting with the data team in April to finalize the SIP data analysis and provide final guidance on the plan.

Board of Ed Meeting

Monday’s Board meeting featured all of the elementary buildings presenting on our current status of the SIP plan and associated data.   Sarah, Megan, Melissa, and students Gerry Klos and Kaylee Daniels joined us for the Arno presentation.  I wanted to thank everyone for all their hard work and dedication to make learning the best it can be at Arno.  Great job team!

The other agenda item for the night was the adoption Singapore Math as the new new math series (not curriculum) for the elementary schools.  More information will be shared this Friday at our PD.

BIG thanks to Jeanine Haskin and Renee Guyot for all of their hard work and dedication to the process of selecting a new series.  We appreciate your effort and thank you for what this means to our kids in the future!

SIP Board Presentation March 2016

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Spirit Wear Online Fundraiser

It’s back by popular demand- Arno Spirit sale kickoff is this Monday, March 14.  Awesome news- if you purchase from 3/14-3/28, you will get free shipping  so be sure to order your spirit wear now!  The site link is below, I am also adding it to the right side bar so you can go on anytime (even past this sale) and order Arno wear.


March is Reading Month continues…

Wear a Word Day



Although March is winding down this week, we still have some great things going on at Arno!

School-wide DEAR: (Drop Everything and Read) Students will read every Tuesday and Thursday morning in their classrooms.

Book Commercials: Different books commercials will be presented during morning announcements.

Caught Reading” Bulletin: Students will try to “get caught reading” at home and/or school and have their photograph taken and displayed in the hall.

Teacher Reading Swap: Teachers will read to different classrooms.

Culminating Read-a-Thon: Monday, March 21st. As a celebration to end MIRM, kids can wear their pajamas and bring in their favorite books/magazines. –

Author Visit: Paul Orshoski – March 24th

May the Force Be With You!

March Guest Readers 

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March 14


May the luck of the Irish be with you!

Coming up at Arno…

March 14

Spirit Weal Fundraiser Kickoff

Ad Council 9:00

Board Presentation- 7:00 At APHS

March 15

SIP District Meeting- Sarah, Carrie, Steve All day

Teacher Eval Committee- Carrie  3:00

March 16

All Day Building SIP meeting Sarah, Carrie, Steve

4th Grade Science meeting A.M.

5th grade Science Meeting P.M.

March 17

Happy St. Patty’s Day!

Tornado Drill A..M.

Lunch Para Meeting 1:15

March 18


New Arno Vision 

The vote to choose a new Vision direction for Arno has ended.  With the majority choosing the first entry- which was word smithed with a collection of terms from the group developed statements.  67% of the Arno staff chose the following Vision to guide our steps in the next few years.  The remainder of the votes were dispersed among the other choices.

 Arno Elementary will provide a system of support to empower and inspire students to become collaborative learners that strive for academic excellence.  

Look for more information related to our new vision in the coming months- this will also be in effect for our upcoming QAR

A look at the numbers: They are in order from the survey questions.

vision vote


Board of Ed Meeting

Monday’s Board meeting will feature all of the elementary buildings presentation on our current status of the SIP plan and associated data.   We would love to see you come out and support your chairs!

The other agenda item for the night will be adopting Singapore Math as the new new math series (not curriculum) for the elementary schools.  This has been an exciting process and I know we are all eager to get some training and see what it has to offer our students.

SIP Board Presentation March 2016


Feedback Satisfaction Information Business Office Working Concept

Teacher Eval Committee

This week will make the first meeting of a newly formed committee that will be having open discussions on what changes the state has made to the teacher evaluation system and what that means to Allen Park Public schools.  Carrie Solak will represent Arno at the meeting.


As you know Aesop has improved a lot this year in terms of coverage.  The district does, however, ask you get your absence in when you need time off as early as possible so we can get those posted for people to pick up the job.  Thank for your help in ensuring we have our building covered.

Spirit Wear Online Fundraiser

It’s back by popular demand- Arno Spirit sale kickoff is this Monday, March 14.  Awesome news- if you purchase from 3/14-3/28, you will get free shipping  so be sure to order your spirit wear now!  The site link is below, I am also adding it to the right side bar so you can go on anytime (even past this sale) and order Arno wear.


MISTAR logo 6c star only

MiStar DNA

We recently had an initial introduction to MiStar DNA (works along with Gradebook), which is a system that serves as a data warehouse, provides awesome data reports, allows a user to create assessments aligned to standards (has an item bank as well), and allows users to create a bubble sheet that can quickly be scanned and corrected-giving the user countless pieces of data and exit slips for students.

At this point, the district is going with a train-the-trainer model, with our 2 reps being Brian and Megan.  As we know there are many new things going on, this will paced appropriately and training will be available when time allows for it.  Stay tuned as we move forward into next year training with our reps.


PTA March Newsletter

Please enjoy News from your Arno PTA…


2016-03 Arno PTA Newsletter

External Review (QAR)

We have now finalized the dates for our external review, which will be Oct. 9-12.  These dates are when the team is in town, not necessarily at Arno.  The SIP team will be working hard to meet all of the requirements, which we can hopefully accomplish all before school let’s out.  Stay tuned for more info and what we may need from everyone moving forward.

Arno Green School Designation

Congrats!  Once again thanks to Arno’s attention to the environment, we have once again achieved  Michigan Evergreen Status!  Thanks to Carrie and Jeff for their work in this area!  The email from the county:

“Congratulations! Because of the hard work from the teachers, students and parents, Arno Elementary School has received the 2016 Michigan Evergreen School designation, by completing at least 20 energy saving and environmental tasks.  The efforts you made to complete the tasks are very impressive. I urge Arno Elementary School to continue with the energy saving and environmental tasks and hope you encourage others to follow. “

-Nancy Gregor

Wayne County Michigan Green School Co-coordinator



Star Wars Door Decorating Winners are…

Congratulations to Mrs. Schultz, Ms. Yesh, and Mrs. Jensen for winning this year’s March Door Decorating contest!  The winning classrooms will receive a delicious ice cream sandwich.

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March is Reading Month 

We have had great success so far this month in filling our our reading logs for prizes and stickers.  I would like to encourage all of our students to read, read, read and get those logs in next Monday for our next Star Wars reward!  This past Monday, those who turned in their logs received a cool Star Wars pencil, with a Star Wars bookmark coming up next week.  In the meantime we have some more guest readers coming to Arno, and some fun activities coming up:

Wear It Wednesdays:

Every Wednesday during March students can wear it and read it!

*March 16th – “Be a word” day! Wear a word pinned to the front of your shirt. Pin the definition on the back.

School-wide DEAR: (Drop Everything and Read) Students will read every Tuesday and Thursday morning in their classrooms.

Book Commercials: Different books commercials will be presented during morning announcements.

“Caught Reading” Bulletin: Students will try to “get caught reading” at home and/or school and have their photograph taken and displayed in the hall.

Teacher Reading Swap: Teachers will read to different classrooms.

Culminating Read-a-Thon: Monday, March 21st. As a celebration to end MIRM, kids can wear their pajamas and bring in their favorite books/magazines. –

Author Visit: Paul Orshoski – March 24th

May the Force Be With You!

March Guest Readers

Mr. Creutz’s father reading to Mrs. Haskin’s  class

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Dr. Sturock and Sara Metzger came in to share their favorite books with our Cougars!

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Bingo for Books

A big thank you to Melissa for organizing our Bingo for books and all of the staff that attended to assist.  It was really a fun time and the kids had great big smiles all the way around!  Thanks for all you do for our kids!

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New student link for practice tests: http://bit.ly/arnomstep

Teachers who will be administering the M-STEP to students:  Please make sure that you (and your students) have thoroughly experienced the different test types in the sample item sets.  The CAT sections of ELA and Math have a slightly different format than the fixed form Performance Tasks and Science and Social Studies tests.  On the fixed form tests, students do have the opportunity to review their answers before ending the test, and the grid will show any unanswered questions.  The CAT tests do not allow students to move on without answering.  The difference is important to note.  The student tutorial videos do show this, so please utilize these resources.

 ** Also, in the Performance Tasks, students are expected to go back and forth between parts of the question, on different pages, to use information they have already answered for future responses.  Students are capable of this, but please ensure that you practice this so they are familiar with the process.

 Please check out the updates below from this week’s Spotlight.  It was great to read that the state’s recommendations are exactly what we had discussed doing during our MSTEP Teacher Training last week!  Spotlight 3-3-16

 Help Your Students Prepare for the Online M-STEP

The Office of Standards and Assessment (OSA) has created multiple resources for students taking the Spring 2016 M-STEP online. OSA recommends the following resource sequence:

1) Classroom teachers show the online assessment tutorial to their class as a whole so students gain a general understanding of how the online system works, followed by

2) viewing the computer adaptive test videos to familiarize teachers and students on how a computer adaptive test functions; the videos may be delivered either as a classroom presentation or students may watch the videos individually via their testing device, and ending with

3) students are given the opportunity to log into the sample item sets using the testing device they will use during the actual test.

 Resources Described

1) Online Assessment Tutorials are posted on eDirect (https://mi.drcedirect.com) → Test Setup → General Information, select the Test Tutorials tab, then select the Play button in the Action column. There are 3 test tutorial options: M-STEP, MI-Access, and Early Literacy and Mathematics (K-2).

2) Computer Adaptive Test Videos for ELA and mathematics demonstrate how to navigate the computer adaptive tests (CAT), which is different than how the ELA and mathematics tests functioned last spring. These two important videos can be accessed on the M-STEP webpage (www.michigan.gov/mstep), located in the What’s New section. (Continued on next page) on Student Assessment and Accountability March 3, 2016 Quick Links / SAT Corner / ACT WorkKeys / Important Dates 3 Spotlight

3) Sample Item Sets for the Spring 2016 M-STEP for students in grades 3–8, and 11 are a select group of test items in English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies that encompass different item types, such as multiple choice, constructed response, and various kinds of technology-enhanced items. The sets provide students practice in solving grade-level and content-specific test items aligned to Michigan’s content standards. Since the item sets are embedded in the online test engine used to deliver state assessments, students will develop familiarity with taking tests online while they practice using the test engine’s online tools and navigation buttons. The Sample Item Sets are contained within the Online Tools Training (OTT) component.

 Students needing designated supports and/or accommodations on state assessments can practice using the Grade 3 ELA M-STEP Sample Item Set with accommodations. The Grade 3 ELA M-STEP Sample Item Set with Accommodations demonstrates some of the available online embedded accommodations and designated supports such as Text-To-Speech (TTS), Color Chooser, Contrasting Text, Masking, and Reverse Contrast. Educators and students can access the online Sample Item Sets at school using a Chrome browser (https:// wbte.drcedirect.com/MI/portals/mi/ott1) or INSIGHT* (the online testing platform).

 Parents and students can also access the online sets available through the Chrome browser from home (the test functionality requires the use of Chrome). NOTE: The Sample Items Sets are not considered “Practice Tests,” as a practice test implies a test with the same number of items and similar level of difficulty as an actual test. *The Grade 3 ELA M-STEP Accommodated and TTS versions of the sample sets are only available using INSIGHT.



Schools across Michigan are field-testing an online assessment in Early Literacy and Numeracy.  If you’d like to view the sample test items, or the online Student Tutorial Videos, check them out here:  http://mi-web-td.drcedirect.com/MI/portals/mi
Homebound Teacher


The Special Services Department is still seeking teachers who would be interested in servicing our homebound population.  Our student numbers are high this year and we are running out of staff options.  (Compensation is $25 per hour)
Please email Marianne Dobek if you are interested or have any questions.  dobek@appublicschools.com


If You Give a Mouse a Cookie…

CUAA Tuition Discount Available



Who:  Kindergarten to 1st Grade in September 2016

When:  Session (A) June 20 -June 30  (9:00am to 11:30am)

Session (B) June 20-June 30 (12:30pm to 3:00pm)

Where:  Lindemann Elementary (9201 Carter, Allen Park)

A registration form will be sent home with your child the first week of April. Walk-in registration will also be available at the Allen Park Recreation Center Lobby on April 11th from 4-6 p.m.
Safety Town is an interactive safety awareness program for children from 5-6 years of age. Each day the children will be introduced to various safety issues in a fun and safe environment. The program is taught by a Police Officer and a certified teacher, with hands-on topics led by community guest speakers as well as visits from the Allen Park Police & Fire Departments. Teen volunteers from Allen Park High School lead the children through safety town every day and receive valuable training along with obtaining National Honor Society service hours. The children learn about stranger danger, water and beach as well as playground safety, fire safety, pet and bus safety, electrical and gun safety, personal safety with an emphasis on pedestrian safety. The kids will be bicycling about a miniature town complete with streets, sidewalks, buildings, stop signs and a working traffic signal. Importance is placed on having the children memorize a cell phone number to call if they should ever become lost. We use fun songs to reinforce all of these principles and the children memorize our very own Safety Town Pledge!

3rd Grade Maple Tapping (Yummy) and field trip to U of M

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Have a super fantastic weekend!

March 7


Coming up at Arno…

March 7

3rd grade to U of M

LL meeting with Katie 8:00

March 8

3rd grade to U of M

District PBIS meeting @ Bennie 4:00

March 9

C.L. meeting with Katie 9:00

Steve @Lindemann guest reader 10:00

PBIS meeting 3:45

March 10

4th grade to Planetarium 8:40

March 11

No events

March 12

PTSA Spring Craft Show

Penny Wars

Arno School will be participating in a March is Reading Month Penny War on Monday, March 7th-Thursday, March 10th from 8:35-8:50 am. Each classroom’s goal is to have the most pennies in their bucket and to put silver coins/bills in other classroom buckets. The funds earned from our Penny War will go towards purchasing books at Arno School.
If you would like your child to participate, please have him/her bring their coins/bills in a ziploc bag labeled Penny War and your child’s name. This will help the Arno Staff know what the money is for. Also, the ziploc bag will make it easier for your child to carry around their coins/bills while they are participating in the Penny War.

Vision Update

We now have the vision statements that were written by the team members that were present on the last SIP meeting day.  The next step is to take was written, see if anything should be combined- then send that out to you for a vote.  It will include:

Our current vision

The 3 Visions that were created

A combined vision statement that will be fashioned from the originals for consideration

You should have a total of 5-6 statements in which to ponder.  If there are like numbers in the google form vote, we will narrow the field and send it back out until we have consensus on a statement.  Look for that before break.

March is Reading Month Continues

We are so excited that March is finally here and the Arno staff has planned some awesome activities throughout the month which includes things like a book exchange, Bingo for Books, prizes, and a Star Wars theme!  If you are in the building this month, please take note of all the cool themed doors that all of  our classrooms worked on.  Please see below for more information on all of the exciting plans for the rest of March…

Happy Reading! 

march is reading month log

Wear It Wednesday 2016

march is reading month

Jennifer returns as a guest reader to Arno…

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And another special guest reader…

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Jacob Yesh, son of Ms. Yesh our Kindergarten teacher, also got into the March act of guest reading to many classrooms, this particular class is Mrs. Hool.

Look for other special guest readers all through the month at Arno!


Thank you all for participating the in the M-STEP training, hopefully I can just push things to the shared resource folder, but we have to meet again priior to testing.   Remember the most important thing at this point is getting those kids on the practice test.  Practice on different things, but it should be weekly at this point.   You can practice the questions, key words, tools, types of problems they’ll see, scrolling features, reading carefully, etc.  The practice tests don’t change, but what do with it should.  Letting the students do this on the chromebook is the best way at this point to test our systems and simulate the test is closest way possible.  I did add a FAQ page as you can submit your questions, which i will then post the answer for everyone to see as we move through.  Let me know what questions you have- fifth grade, April 11 is coming quick 🙂

Practice link:



Enjoy Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham (Yummy!!)

From a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Enjoy Fun Friday Pics with a Star Wars Flare!!

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Look at Our Cool Doors

The Arno staff and students also got together to do some Star Wars door decorating for March.  Check out these awesome doors- we’ll show more next week

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Roller Skating Party Update

Due to the district closing, the roller skating party was cancelled our last snow day.  The PTA is still currently working on a new date.  If you have paid already for the party, the PTA will address that when a data is selected.

Shrek the Musical coming soon…

It’s a “big bright beautiful world” for everyone’s favorite ogre in Shrek The Musical, based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation Film.

In a faraway kingdom, the green ogre Shrek finds his swamp invaded by banished fairytale misfits, runaways who’ve been cast off by Lord Farquaad, a tiny terror with big ambitions. When Shrek sets off with a wise-cracking donkey to confront Farquaad, he’s handed a task – if he rescues feisty Princess Fiona from the Dragon-guarded tower, his swamp will be returned to him. But, a fairy tale wouldn’t be complete without unexpected twists and turns along the way.

Part romance and part twisted fairy tale, Shrek is an irreverently fun show for the whole family. With abundant opportunities for imaginative sets and costumes and familiar characters that prove that beauty is in the eye of the ogre.

Performances will be on the weekend of March 18 -19 at 7pm & March 20 at 2pm.

Tickets Prices:
Adults $12
Students/Seniors $10
Family ticket $35 (2 adults and all children living in your home under 18)

Early bird prices are $2 off individual tickets through March 17th

Tickets are available at the APHS office or emailing Andrea Demorow at demorow@appublicschools.com

Have breakfast with Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Farquaad, and all the fairytale creatures!
Saturday, March 19, 2016
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Allen Park High School Cafeteria
Children: $15
Adult: $20
Sponsored by: Bierkeller
Tickets include your show ticket to any performance!
Contact the APHS office or email Andrea Demorow at demorow@appublicschools.com


Shrek Ogre ears order form

Shrek Ogre ears



at Arno, Bennie and Lindemann Elementary

MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 – 6:00 p.m.

*Children who are five years of age by September 2 thru December 1 may only be enrolled for kindergarten at the request of the parent/guardian through a signed waiver process. Waiver form is available at the Riley Education Center.


Have a great Week Arno Cougars!!!